Thursday, August 9, 2012

Baby update and Wisdom

Every challenge a person goes through is beneficial for their development and growth. In that moment of difficulty that person might assume many reasons for what is happening to them. Once that person has owned up to their faults, the emotions have settled, and the pain subsided the real reason is revealed.

Some people can't handle that process and try to distract themselves from the issue and therefore never learn a lesson, or process that experience. This is extremely unhealthy. I guess depending on the severity and the length of that challenge the longer you need to process it.

I see many people who live their lives who believe they don't have any issues but their actions speak louder than words. Alcohol, illegal/perscription drugs, pornography, cigaretes, and food are not solutions. These things only make more problems and after a while you notice your life is out of control and wonder why?!

Don't run away from problems, embrace them, learn to work through them. And watch yourself grow!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Going to the Doctor

About to take the kids to the doctor. It breaks my heart watching Lex cry so much from being sick! Mila is handling it pretty well, what a tough cookie!

Posted my watch me shrink update, lets just say the results are surprising considering how I've been eating this past week!

This morning I've already downed 2 cups of blueberries to detox and now working on my vegan soup! I feel sick also and hope with a raw diet I will clear up soon!

Taking everyone to the Doctor!

About to take the kids to the doctor's. It breaks my heart watching Lex cry so much from discomfort! Mila is handling it pretty well though, My tough little cookie!

Posted my watch me shrink update, lets just say the results are surprising considering how I've been eating this past week!

This morning I've already downed 2 cups of blueberries to detox and now working on my vegan soup! I feel sick also and hope with a raw diet I will clear up soon!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Weekend fun!

Here's the outfit I wore out to one of my favorite restaurants! It was a wonderful Birthday Celebration!

It felt so good to get out of the house, get all dressed up, and socialize with adults!

I splurged by eating a perfect center cut steak paired with potato gratin, it was fabulous!! All the hard times we go through seem like a breeze when you pair them with good ones!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hardest time in my Life!

Another restless night and the list of things to do keeps growing! Getting ready for yet another meeting in 10 minutes and have so much on my mind!

After finding a few minutes to myself to think, I would say this is by far the hardest time in my life!

Dealing with an active toddler, crying(sick) infant, active dog, business, house, self and relationships is not an easy task. Will there be moments where things are not perfect, absolutely! To have people remind me of that is priceless.  All our friends who have multiple kids have warned us that having 2 kids is the hardest! Managing to give everyone attention and trying to set up a business is incredibly hard! It's nice to talk to people who are/have been in the same boat and know that all will be OK! Sometimes I beat myself up for letting things drop or let things get out of control but that's life. Life isn't perfect, everyone makes mistakes, have hardships, and lots of priorities the key is to pick yourself up, learn, and keep moving forward with grace!

Trying to manage relationships during this time is super hard. Seeing the way people react/ treat you and judge you during difficult time is also a huge lesson! No one can truly understand this but its nice to have compassion from people who have been through something similar!

I have huge expectations for things and sometimes when I fail it's hard to acknowledge you're mistakes and disappointments! I am thankful that I have this innate ability to learn from my mistakes and truly turn a negative into a positive!

This week is off a bit because poor Lex is fighting a cold. I am starting to feel sick also. Can't wait for my sister to get here to start helping out! I can't imagine not having any kind of help at all!

Huge thank you for all of you who have called/ messaged me and given me tremendous amount of support and understanding! XOXO

Here's my latest weight loss update!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Had a really rough night! Baby slept all day yesterday and at night decided to party it up! I think I might have gotten a total of 4 hours of sleep :( I'm not going to complain though because I had a wonderful dinner last night with my husband! That bit of freedom was just what we needed to relax and clear our mind of all the stress and uncertainty!

We have selected our contractor, signed off on tons of paperwork and slowly moving forward with the build out! Definitely feel like a huge load is lifted but there is still much to do!

All this responsibility and obligation is not easy but I feel like I am learning so much about myself as we tackle all these hardships! I love growing as a person. It's not easy but totally worth it!

Heading to the gym now to acquire some energy and work off that amazing French food!

Here's my latest video! Enjoy!

Monday, July 23, 2012

What a MORNING!! I need a BREAK!!

Thank goodness I work from home! Today has been super busy and I can't get a moment to sit down and relax.

I was hoping to squeeze in some time for the gym but everything kind of hit me all at once!

To start, all this new pile of paperwork that needs to be filled out for the office was sitting there waiting to get processed. Then a phone meeting with our architect, landlord, finance guy and then finalizing things with contractor! There some critical decissions that need to be made and I have no brain power to evaluate our options because I'm so sleep deprived! In between I am changing diapers, feeding Lex and trying to relay info to Pavel.

I have my sister helping out but it's still seems like to much to handle. I just want to get out of the house and clear my head, but I doubt that opportunity will come because that pile of paperwork is still waiting for me!

Here's my last weeks weigh in if you're curious to see how I'm doing as far as weight loss is concerned. If time permits I would like to post today's weigh in but we shall see!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Weight Loss Sabotage from HUBBY!

Ok so I had a really good week as far as weight loss goes! Check out my video below to find out how much I lost! I do have to say I think my hubby is trying to sabotage my efforts though!

You guys know how much I love sweets so what does he do, bake cakes!!! That's right the man decides to  tempt me with his amazing cakes! Either he is trying to keep me plump or testing my will power! LOL Well my will power is not that strong so I do cave in but I'm practicing portion control! He does make one amazing Napoleon Russian Cake! Oh and the other day he offers me ice cream! Seriously this is not funny! I guess what doesn't kill me makes me stronger :)

In my video I share some of my weight loss rules I live by to help me shed the pounds and keep them off! Enjoy!

Monday, July 9, 2012

My ANXIETY Attack!

This huge overwhelming feeling of "I can't handle the pressure" took over me the other night! Tears ran down my cheeks uncontrollably. I had these huge expectations as a mother, wife, sister, friend and business owner! Trying to take care of everything seemed unbearable. The main reason for my breakdown was because of Mila!

Mila was super sick last week and this huge sadness came over me when I couldn't hug her or comfort her because of fear that the baby will get sick. My husband has been doing a great job giving her attention but I had guilt because the baby demanded more attention from me and I didn't give much back to Mila.

The guilt grew so strong that I started to think I was a horrible mother! Why did I beat myself up like this!? The pooch also has been neglected by me and the guilt for not showing him love also has been eating at me! At night when everyone is as sleep, I make rounds hugging everyone and telling them how much I love them and how much I miss them!

 Although, I know my husband has been trying so hard to keep everything in balance but since I can't actually contribute to taking care of everyone has been creating this anxiety inside!

After going through some baby blues after having Mila I definitely wanted to avoid it this time around by being in sunshine, working out, going out, and having a great support system. Having 2 kids is definitely a challenge along with building a business that requires so many decisions made.

I didn't have a relationship with my mother growing up and I vowed to have one with Mila! Having this huge change take place is really painful! How am I ever going to grow my relationship with her when the baby needs me soo much!?

Mila has been misbehaving so much lately and I've been extra stern with her to the point where it seems there's more negative energy focused on her instead of positive. My husband would take over but it seemed as though she wouldn't listen to him.
I knew I was losing control of the situation and kind of didn't want to deal with it. Yesterday all these feelings, experiences and emotions collided within.

At that point I wanted to be selfish, and run away from all that responsibility. At that point I realized why I never wanted to have kids, so I would never have to give up my selfish ways. Once you have kids, everything you do revolves around them! I cried and vented to my husband how I don't want to do this anymore. Being a great husband he let me pout like a baby, gave me tons of hugs and said that everything is going to be ok.

In the morning the clear headed Kristina thought how silly it was of me to think of running away, and how we have it made! These wonderful Kids NEED us, love us and bring so much meaning to our life! Even though sometimes it does get challenging with discipline and giving everyone the right amount of attention we are truly blessed with the family we have! No one said it would be easy, but the reward of being parents is so wonderful! These little monkies will always love us!

Friday, June 29, 2012


Time is definitely flying by way too fast! Although I am tired and sleep deprived I've been trying to savor every moment with my son.

I can't even describe the love that I have for him! I was so worried I wouldn't love him as much as Mila but that is so silly to me now that I look into his deep blue eyes and my heart melts!

Now new worries are settling in, for example: I don't want my daughter feeling left out so I am trying harder to squeeze in mommy daughter time. Definitely not easy but trying to keep it a priority. Since I never had that bond with my mom I strive to have an amazing relationship with my daughter.

It's amazing how when I first had Mila I would be home with her all day and that would be my only focus. Now I have to focus on Mila, baby, dog, business transactions, house, and cooking. I have no idea how people with more than 2 kids get it done. I do have to say that I have an amazing helper with me this summer that's helping me stay sane by helping around the house. My sister is a true blessing to me. I don't know how I would manage with out her! She tidies up, plays with Mila and walks the pooch. I am truly grateful for her amazing help!

I never knew what it meant to have family help until now!

Anyways, here's our 2 week baby update! Enjoy! And Subscribe!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Weight loss Road blocks!

Since giving birth I have been dying to start working out and eating well just so I can feel like my old self faster! This past week I started my weight loss vlog on check it out if you get a chance.

I have a long way to go to get back to my pre-baby body but I am optimistic and as long as I keep eating well, moving and sleeping I should be ok.

The problem is, with a new born it's a bit of a challenge to sleep since he wakes me every 3-4 hours and sometimes wants to party all night! When I don't sleep enough my body is out of whack and just craves junk food through out the day. Luckily I don't have very much junk but I do tend to over eat anyways. So the battle to get enough sleep to stick to a healthy diet is on.

I did manage to make it to the gym a few times in the last week which I've been craving like crazy! It's amazing how different this pregnancy was compared to Mila's. I worked out, ate well and now my body is ready to snap back! I am slightly worried it wont shrink down as fast as I want but I am still optimistic. I just keep telling myself to focus on good eating, exercising, and sleeping!

My husbands birthday was this weekend and I did splurge on cake...I didn't gain weight just stayed the same during those 2 days of cake eating bliss! lol Other than that I've been pretty good. Eating tons of fruits, veggies and whole grains! I tried to be a vegetarian to lose weight but I have had some super healthy turkey from whole foods so I guess I'm not exclusively vegetarian.'s my first vlog on weight loss....enjoy :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Guess how much weight I lost!

Started eating my vegetarian diet now that the pregnacy is over. My hubby made me a veggie burger with avocado, tomato, spinach and ketchup on Chalah roll. It was absolutely delicious! With a healthy diet, exercise and breastfeeding I'm hoping to get back in shape in no time! You wont believe how much weight I lost. In a week I lost 16 lbs. so currently I'm 163!!Yay for weight loss!
Looking forward to posting my first weightloss video next week so stay tuned! Here's a little postpartum update!

Friday, June 15, 2012

We're Home, mini update

Here's a quick update while I try to find time to put all the footage together for "Labor Part 2" I hope to have that finished by tonight so stay tuned!

After delivery I was tired but still super energetic. Pavel on the other hand was Done. He had shut down. Although he has been an amazing coach and guide for me during labor he needed to rest, we all did.

Last night I urged the Doctors to dismiss us so we can go home. I really don't like hospitals and wanted to be with my family.

We got home around 8:30pm last night and I do have to say it was a bit stressful. My house was a mess, Mila was all over the place, the dog was super curious to find out what we brought home and super hyper. Since I really haven't slept since Tuesday night I was looking forward to getting some rest...yeah right! That did not happen and so Today I am running on Empty!

After delivery I had this amazing energy but now I just feel all beat up! I am going to find time to sleep while Lex sleeps and hopefully finish up my labor video tonight! Thanks for all your support and love! You have no idea how much it means to our Family! XOXO

Subscribe for all the latest videos, weightloss blog coming soon!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Early start to June 12, 2012

Went to sleep around 10:30pm and got woken up by some serious pain around 2:40am. At first I thought it was just my bladder but after a quick bathroom break it was evident that a contraction was upon me. This was my first contraction but on a different level than the baby ones I've been having last week.

What do contractions feel like you may wonder. They can be different but for the most part it feels like a menstrual cramps. The contractions are so much stronger now because I can't sleep through it anymore. I'm also getting this  dull, aching pain in my lower back as baby's head presses against my spine. 

My mind is racing as I type this blog because I'm not sure this is the real thing yet and I'm still concerned about my cervix not opening up. Doc checked it yesterday morning and it was still closed. My water has not broken yet either. Oh boy here comes another one(time4:34am) trying to focus on my breathing!

So far the contractions have been between 8-10 min for the last 2 hours. I want this baby to come but now I'm flooded with emotion about my life changing. Why must I be so Thoughts of an epidural were also on my mind...will they mess it up this time too?? Will have shooting pain in my brain for a week after? Will I be able to get up after? Or will it be smooth sailing this time around? Will I have a good experience with this delivery? What if this is false alarm?? All these unknowns are annoying! Trying to put my faith in God. Here come another(time 4:44am)

My husband has been super supportive, giving me back rubs and reminding me to breathe. I feel bad because I know he needs rest and gave him some space. I need one of us focused, alert, level headed and I need him to truly be there for me when I can't take it anymore! 

Some how some way I fell asleep and this morning my contractions have spaced out again. Gosh for sure I thought I was in labor. When will this show get on the road?! Super tired!

I did manage to get my 40 pregnancy update video uploaded if you haven't seen it here it is:

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tired of being Pregnant!

Feeling tired of being pregnant is an understatement! Due date is at midnight and I'm still here!!! Ughhh!!! Anything could happen tonight though so I'm still optimistic. During Mila's pregnancy my water broke at the stroke of midnight on her due date! So maybe I'll have the same go down tonight!? Also, I do have to say my contractions are picking up and getting stronger I just hope i don't have to wait another week!!  This weekend definitely made another trip to the mall and in particular Sephora! I love eye shadow sooo much!! Why must there be such wonderful products out there?! Here's my video on what I bought....

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sleepless Night but No Baby Yet! All packed & ready to go though!!

Last night was a practice run of a sleepless night! Except instead of one baby keeping us up at night it was 2! Lex was on the move and so was Mila. Around 2 Mila decides to hop in our bed and starts having conversations with us. I couldn't sleep as it was because Lex was super active so I gave into talking to Mila. Surprisingly Pavel was not annoyed but also amused! Today I thought for sure I'd be dying from exhaustion but surprisingly I found energy to finish packing for the hospital! Here's what I packed and here's a few photos of us hanging out in the last 2 days! Enjoy!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Time is running out!

Had a rough morning yesterday! Hubby tried to feed me vitamins on an empty stomach and it all came up!  Luckily I was able to turn my day around and find the energy to work out run errands, take care of house projects, schedule more meetings etc.

Today has been pretty much the same. Gym, target, home depot and just wrapped up mulching our 9 palm trees....all the neighbors driving by looking at me like I was crazy lugging around these massive bags of mulch! LOL I hope all this movement helps me get this baby here on time.

Here's my to do list, from what I can remember:

Pay the hospital
pack hospital bag
install car seat
pay bills
hire contractor
Clean, cook, organize...blah

Here's how i've been able to stay calm the last few Finally got my Naked 2 from sephora along with some other things! Check it out :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I want this baby out!!!

So patience is growing thin and exhaustion is at its peak! I wish I could say I can kick up my feet and relax, but there is sooooo much to do!!! How can anyone do this with multiple kids?! I seriously need a nanny, maid and a personal assistant..LOL Any takers?!

Taking care of a puppy, a 3 year old, setting up the office, taking care of the house, bills, cooking, finding time to work out, etc. I can't keep up lately!!!....typing this was overwhelming...LOL
Usually I have no problem with decision making, taking care of things and running errands but I physically can't do it anymore!

Anyways, we've given some thought about upgrading my car back to a big one because I feel a sedan is not cutting it anymore for our growing family. I personally feel like there is not enough space for just me but then again I'm carrying around like 40 extra pounds! We have to decide fast because time is running out! We still have some major decisions to make as far as the practice goes so those need to be made this week and I have no brain power to do that! HELP!?

Also, just a mental note we still need to start paying the hospital bill otherwise we can get outrageous fees if we don't pay the flat rate prior to delivery...ugh!

I am soooo scared of labor though...i can't wait for it to be over and start healing and my brain to start forgetting! Also, looking forward to starting my weight loss journey :D I will be documenting it all on my youtube channel, if you haven't subscribed yet, please take a moment to show me some love! If you want to lose weight with me I think this would be a great motivator for anyone!

Here's my pregnancy update for week 38 and the link to my channel! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Perfect weekend!

What a fabulous long weekend! We've been totally living it up since baby can literally drop any day now! I can honestly say I'm having the best weekend before baby!

To sum up:

Spent half a day shopping with my best friend for clothes and make up! Yes I know its weird I shopped for clothes because I'm not going to stay this size for very much longer but it was still fun! Then went to dinner with some of Pavel's co-workers to one of my favorite Restaurants YOLO. I love meeting new people but lately I haven't been in the mood to do so because I'm so worked up over office, baby and tons of things to get done before baby. I sucked it up and went, why not its good food and who knows how life will be after newborn.

Also, I was surprised to find out an old friend and his wife moved literally like 5 min from us! I made sure we all met up and since I had a babysitter we all went to my other favorite restaurant Mimosa! Can I just tell you how much food I ate this weekend! I think I gained like 5 lbs just from 2 days...LOL

Something I haven't done in a while was be spontaneous, after dinner we all decided to go to movies to see "What to expect when you're expecting" It was so wonderful to wing the plans and go with the flow. It's been a while since we lived like this.  I knew I had to see this film before I popped. So glad I did but it kind of scared me a bit as it was a reminder of what I had to go through to get this baby out. Overall the movie was great!

Sunday morning came, this means church but we decided to sleep in. For those of you who don't have kids sleeping in means, you wake up at 9am..LOL My sister made sure we got that extra 2 hours of sleep and then we hustled to the beach! What an amazing day and perfect weather!

Most people have a day off tomorrow but my hubby has to work. I'm slightly upset over it but I also have tons of errands and decisions to make on his behalf so I guess it's all good.

Here's my latest video! Let me you know what you think of this red lipstick I found! Enjoy! XOXO

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

37 Weeks pregnant! Tons to do!

Starting of the week busy as ever! With only 3 weeks to go until the arrival of our son, now more than ever does the to do list seem larger than life!

Today we're getting a new fence built in and I'm super excited but at the same time that creates more work for us! After the fence we need to do some landscaping to bring the backyard back to its beautiful state!

Got the practice to think about also as we shop around for a contractor. I'm pretty good at reading people but at the same time I'm not myself lately so hopefully we pick a good one who won't rip us off!

Westill have to decide whether Mila will be startin a new school in the fall, we toured a few and still have to decide.

Mila's skating is wrapping up and I'm still debating whether to sign her up for more or just take a mini break since it will be hard for me to haul both kids to the rink at the same time.

Dog training is wrapping up but I still feel like we need a lot more with the dog so I'm not sure where to go from here with the pup.

I still have to organize my office and get it up to par for baby's arrival. I feel super spaced out and hoping to do it little by little especially since I don't have much time left. Poor kid, I definitely feel like this time around I'm not as concerned with much since I've been through it before.

I have to pack my hospital bag, ehh not looking forward to that. It's not as exciting as packing for a vacation...

Pavel and I need to decide how he's going to take time off to lend me a hand at least for the first week after delivery. Taking a pay cut will definitely hurt but hey it will be worth it.

Oh I almost forgot, we have to start paying the hospital...gosh it seems the bills are never ending!

Here's my latest video on my pregnancy! Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe! Once baby is born I will be documenting my journey as I lose the baby LBS!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

In-laws ups downs, & good times!

As you may know, we had our in-laws visiting us from upstate New York! People don't always get along and since I'm pregnant I knew this trip would speed up my labor. Haven't given birth yet but definitely noticed a lot more contractions this week.

The last night with my in-laws was pretty interesting, Pavel and I wanted to do something special for them since it was in fact their vacation. We decided to take them to Tatiana's Restaurant and Cabaret Show. This place is quite pricey but we thought it was definitely worth experiencing. There was some hesitation from them, which makes me wonder why is it that when new experiences are being offered to the older generation they are scared and super negative? Is that with every culture? Why such retaliation when the kids are treating you? Did they forget how to have fun? Are they stuck in a box and can't see beyond it? I mean you're on vacation shouldn't you at least experience something new? With tons of Drama building up to the dinner and show we finally made it and surprisingly everyone had a good time. Although Pavel and I tried to get the in-laws on the dance floor at least one dance we failed. Funny thing is Pavel and I enjoyed a few songs even though there was a baby between us, we felt proud to loosen up and still be young and adventurous. And trust me it being this size and still trying to dance with a huge smile on my face made me even more confident. The night ended very well, everyone was happy with the food, show, music and entertainment!

As I look back at this week there were ups and downs but somehow we got through it with out too many arguments. We all tried to be on our best behavior.  Now they've taken off, I thought I'd have a moment to breathe but this morning Mila had her lessons and then I had to navigate the tree service people to rip out our gorgeous bushes and shrubs to make way for the fence. In a couple of hours I will be taking Simba to his classes. It's a never ending cycle. Which makes me worry, how in the world will I manage it all once Lex is born?! Trying not to think of the unknown and staying focused on what needs to be done at the moment.  :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Who's there for you when you feel like falling down?

As I near and embrace the arrival of my son, my emotions are all over the place. It feels so wonderful knowing who will be there with me through thick and thin and who has barely checked in! I do have to say that there are certain people who are truly there for you when you're having a wonderful day and there for you when you're falling apart. And with this loving nature they will guide you back to those happy days! I consider myself to be one of those people(when I'm not pregnant), who will always be there for those close to me but lately I can barely be there for myself. That compassion is truly needed and is appreciated. I was heavily relying on certain people to help me cope. Either with watching Mila, to cleaning to having someone to talk. The reality is during those difficult times you see who abandons you and who hangs on.

It's so funny because when I was pregnant with Mila I didn't want anyone's help. I was the tough guy who wanted to do it all! How come I've become more dependant on people this time to help me out? Is it because I have a kid already? Is it because we're building an office? Is it because life is handing us a lot more responsibility? Regardless of which I definitely feel and know in my heart I can't manage everything on my own.

I do have a cranky side and I do have a loving side and lately its been more irritable than loving because of all the lovely symptoms of pregnancy(braxton hicks, memory loss, heart burn, exhaustion, weight gain etc). Sometimes I Just want to run away from myself, run away from how I feel. But that's not the reality! Reality is everything difficult in life brings something better! I want to thank everyone who has given me support and reached out to me and who's helped me along the way. Truly looking forward to holding my little baby and slowly crawling back to feeling normal again! I know for a fact that I can count on myself and that God is always there for me!

Monday, May 14, 2012

My Melt down on Mother's day...:(

Melt down took place this weekend! Gosh can I just tell you how much I dislike all this hormone fluctuation! I WANT TO feel NORMAL again!!!

There are certain people that push my buttons and they were all under the same roof on Sunday!! Usually I get annoyed but this time I got angry and became a crying baby at the same time, on the day we're supposed to celebrate mothers!

I hate showing my emotions and I had no control over my tears when things were not going my way! I had an emotional breakdown! Started crying hysterically when my mom and mom-inlaw would not let me make my famous mashed potatoes. Yes, I consider my potatoes the best and they just didn't like my process. I huffed and puffed and threw threats at them saying "I'm going to make my own batch better than yours!" So silly now that I write it but this little incident got me to the break down where I just started crying and this overwhelming feeling of neglect settled in. THIS IS SOOO NOT ME!!! I don't cry when someone doesn't my way, I may get irritated but CRYING??? C'mon!!!

I was crying so hard and I don't think it was over potatoes but the fact that I just didn't want to be pregnant anymore. I was HUGE, I was HORMONAL, I had a hard time WALKING!!! I just wanted to feel normal and I wanted to feel LOVED!

Mom and Mom- inlaw saw me crying in the backyard and started hugging me which kind of felt weird because I'm not used to getting hugs from them and I hate showing my weakness to them. The worst part was my breakdown started a series of Braxton Hicks which didn't end until the middle of the night! Don't worry I was getting about 2-3 an hour. I definitely felt better today but I am soo tired from lack of sleep!

I am definitely better now. I just feel silly and kind of disappointed in me for crying like a baby!! But I guess crying never hurt anyone right? This pregnancy is making me into a pile of mush!!My 

Friday, May 11, 2012

NAKED face in the Morning

You have no idea how tired I'm getting as I near the end of this pregnancy! I'm somewhat scared of showing you my bare naked face at 7 AM, but here it is! I definitely did not put on as much weight in the face this time around but it does look large to me. Dark circles aren't helping either but hey I'm somewhat proud of the fact that I'm embracing this and not worrying about what people think.

I love make up so much it truly is an art form! With the changes taking place I am happy to find comfort in something that I know for a fact is always the same! MAKEUP!  Here's a view of me right out of bed to getting dolled up! Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe! XOXO

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

35 Weeks & 5 to go! Getting CLOSER!!

This is getting real! Hospital tour, 5 weeks left! Gosh I can't believe I've been housing a baby for the last 8 months! Emotions are running high with due date approaching and the fear is growing stronger! I am definitely trying to put my faith and trust in God but I'm only human! Pavel has been working a lot lately just to give us the financial support we desperately need but I still miss him and wish he was around more to help me cope with this fear!

In New York he had 30 paid vacation days and we worked at the same hospital so we always saw each other! I feel so much responsibility with Mila, house and office...Sometimes I just want to cry, actually I do! This is not normal for me. It takes a lot to get me to cry like a child but I keep telling myself I'm only getting stronger!

I do have to say my support system from friends is unbelievable! I've never felt so happy or loved by people who care and always inquire about me! It definitely is a perk and sometimes makes up for Pavel's absence!
Here's my Vlog for the week with pics, videos of the belly :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The beach life/whale!

Since we've been hit with a massive amount of rain in the beginning of this week it was time to head to the beach! I have to admit being cooped up inside was super draining! Don't get me wrong I love rainy weather but not for like 5 days straight! Plus I'm pregnant and tired as it is the rain was not helping! When the sun started shinning again I was out by the pool soaking up some Vitamin D! And GUESS what I started to feel more energized! So no matter what people say being in the sun definitely improves MY mood and energy levels!

Anyways, since Pavel has been working a lot and we've been pretty busy with the office minutia the moment Pavel got home Friday afternoon we were beach bound!! The weather was perfect! Sun was just right! Check out the video below of our little clip of the beach and my bathing suit shot!! ;) Don't forget to subscribe because you get updates on all my videos faster than facebook! XOXO

Thursday, May 3, 2012

She didn't want to get off the ICE! WHAT?!

Can you believe this week is almost over?!? I feel like I blink and a week goes by! I guess its a good thing because before you know it I will be holding my little baby in my arms! Although its getting super scary thinking about what is about to happen to me. Everyone I meet who's had 2 kids I always ask how the 2nd one went. Was it fast? Was it easier?? The answers that I'm getting are not consistent with what I hope happens but I think it helps me cope with the reality. I just wish I was my old self, strong, resilient, and fearless! Unfortunately I am the opposite of that!

Today we had skating lessons and Mila is just impressing me with each day! Today she didn't want to get off the ice! I skated with her for a bit and even did some foot work! I know I should be taking it easy but skating soothes my nerves and I couldn't resist. But anyways, back to Mila....holy cow she is so eager to skate! She observes everyone on the ice practicing and wants to do the same. If someone falls she is eager to help them up. She even came up to her coach and asked if she could have private lessons so she could get better. I was impressed! I'm not in a hurry to spend money on private lessons but hey her enthusiasm is encouraging! Mila even told me to register her for more lessons in June! LOVE Her attitude!

Here's another tutorial on my sister! Better techniques that are super easy!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

34 Weeks & 6 to go!

Yesterday I officially registered at the hospital for my delivery! All of the sudden it felt even more real! I was given a break down of the costs I will have for the delivery and if all goes smoothly it shouldn't be that expensive. But hey who  am I kidding 3-4k for delivery is a huge expense!!! Anyways, here's my update on this week and update on my back. Belly shot included ;)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Relationships - When you feel like you've had enough

Watching Bethany Ever after brings back so many memories of all the ups and downs my husband and I went through in the first few years of our marriage. It's amazing how quickly we forget but watching someone else's life and their marital hardship is definitely bringing back some raw feelings from my past.

The thing is I relate to Bethany is so many ways and thought it was appropriate to write this blog about the challenges each couple tries to over come to reach another level of the relationship.

In the beginning the relationship seems so perfect. Each person tries so hard to be there for the other. Buying flowers, dinners, going out of their way to help and endless conversations when both are so focused on one another, etc. But as time passes, all that fades and all the hard work begins.

The reason the hard work begins, in my opinion from 8 years of marriage is there are more challenges and more stressful situations. Money always plays a huge part in whether there is peace or turbulence between he couple. Pets, kids and other dependants definitely take a toll on a relationship. And as these things start piling up over the years you slowly start spending less time communicating and having fun as a couple. Each person has  a set of expectations and if not met this causes fights and  Trust is also a huge part of the factor. Also, as people age they naturally change so that also makes it harder on the relationship.

Overall you just have to be realistic about your expectations of a relationship and keep some of these factors in mind. There are always challenges and tests to see how strong your relationship is or could be. Learning to work together is the ultimate goal as you move along this thing called life! 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Update on My BACK

This morning I had some signs of improvement after hurting my back but as the day progressed it got worse again. I think the only for my back to heal and recover from yesterday's injury is if I don't move at all! This is obviously not possible so as I continue with my day I just look like a penguin wobbling along. Every moment I get I sit down and try not to move. I am praying this does not last the rest of the pregnancy because this is torture! The pain is so unbearable. If I move in the wrong direction sharp pain shoots deep into my spine.

I will keep you guys posted on this matter.
Here's a product review I did on a gel manicure that I don't recommend!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Can you believe this! Injured my back!

Had a great start to my day today! Spent time with my little angel and found time to take care of business too! Towards the end of the day we got ready to go to Mila's skating lesson where she tried out her new skates!

She seemed to have been skating a lot better but kept falling on her butt a lot, or should I say her tail bone.  Which is like the worst way to fall. I felt to bad for her and was right there to comfort her with each fall. Her tears would start pouring and being a mother I just wanted to pick her up and comfort her, and did just that. The problem was on the second time she fell and I picked her up, my back completely gave out!!! It started hurting soo badly. What upsets me the most is the fact that I didn't fall on the ice or twist my back skating but just trying to comfort my daughter!!! Seriously!?!?..It brought back some major memories of my nonfunctional back after delivering Mila.

After Skating we had to rush to a meeting with our project coordinator and all i can say was my back got worse. I barely got out of my seat at the end to leave with out moaning in pain. Pavel tried giving me a massage to help relieve some of the pain but as I sit here writing this the pain is just constant! On top of that I had some more braxton hicks!

There are many decisions that need to be made as far as the office go and I am trying to give my hubby the best support that I can as far as not worrying about certain things and what not but It's super hard to support someone when I can barely support my whole body! I'm off to sleep now hoping and praying for some relief tomorrow! Goodnight!

33 weeks down 7 to go!!!Exhaustion

As I get closer and closer to the due date it seems as though time is starting to fly by even faster! I definitely feel super tired these days and spaced out! I am so thankful for my sister who comes to visit and is pretty much my spare brain. I don't know what I would do with out her. I definitely feel super exhausted and worn out!
Here's my little pregnancy VLOG, I discuss weight, symptoms, diet and exercise ...enjoy!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dental Office Update YAY!!

This week has been jam packed with so much so I'll give you a quick gist of it!

 Mila was home with me all week and we had so much fun! I am truly enjoying being home with her. Got to spend time with my sister also which was a lot of fun. I've been making more of an effort to hang out with friends this week before I truly disappear. It's so wonderful to see all my friends reach out to me, because usually I'm the one planning things and getting things organized. It's strange but I sort of feel like I've been MIA lately and really trying to make an effort to be a bit social because once Lex arrives I think you will not find me ...except through a camera. LOL
 Although I feel super tired all the time I'm trying to stay active. Tonight for example we are going to the panthers game, YAY!!

We also met with our project coordinator to discuss the layout of the office which was so much fun! There are so many details and so much that has to be thought of when doing this but my hubby knew exactly what he wanted, where he wanted! And surprisingly we didn't argue. I love being there for him and supporting him and reinforcing his decisions so we are a stronger team!

Here's my vlog on the blueprints :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pulled Mila out of School

After Spring camp was over, Mila went back to her school routine, I noticed a huge change in her attitude towards that school. She wasn't as enthusiastic as before. She didn't look forward to going or seeing her favorite teachers. Remember how when I first signed her up and was having separation anxiety and looking for any reason to pull her out!? Well at this moment my child was telling me she didn't like it there yet I wasn't doing anything.

I probed her to try to figure out why all of the sudden she didn't like it. Everyday I would ask her if she had fun at school and she was kind of indifferent. She would say "mommy can I stay home with you and paint projects at home" hearing her say that broke my heart! How could I not let her!? This is just what I wanted, to spend time with this amazing little girl!

I still wanted to understand why she was not happy though so I had my husband ask her about school and why she didn't like going anymore. She told him she didn't have fun there. These answers where not what we were looking for so we left the conversation and just observed her after each day of school.

I really don't like to start something and not finish and plus for some reason I felt like people would judge me if I took her out. But at the same time why did I care what they thought? Some parents let their kids eat crappy food, watch crappy television, play video games, stay up late etc. She's not in a school system yet, this is more of a day care so who cares!!!

After having a long conversation with my husband we reached a decision to pull her out. I was soo happy when we both agreed! My time is ticking! The baby will be here in about 8 weeks and this is the only time I will have to spend with her before our whole family dynamic changes again! I don't need anyone to understand my decision but I am just so thankful she is home with me once again, even if its just a little while because once baby arrives she will start summer camp and a new school in the fall.

I feel so sad again as though I'm going to go through this separation again, but what if I don't? What if I'm so into the new baby, I miss all the important things with Mila as she continues to grow!? All these questions are so overwhelming and so scary as I try to savor each moment with her.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

First ticket EVER..:(

So my luck is not on my side these days. Got my first speeding ticket EVER! This pregnancy brain is really to blame. Usually I'm so alert on the road and know exactly whats going on but today after lunch with hubby i was mellow and spaced out. The cop pulled me over and asked why I was going so fast and since my quick way with words has vanished since baby brain I just said I was spaced out....I mean c'mon how did this happen!?! The one time I needed to be smart, clever with words and all I had to say was that?! I could have said I had to pee really badly but that only crossed my mind when I got home...gosh so irritated! What a waste of money man! The state trooper did say he wants me to live a long healthy life to see my nice of him as he handed me the obscene ticket!
Anyways, on a positive note I went to the OBGYN today and the baby is doing just fine! Braxton hicks are normal as long as its not few every hour or so. My cervix is still closed shut so we are all good! 

Here's a little update VIA youtube ;) Please subscribe ;)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

How I'm doing after falling

Had a fabulous weekend. Got a chance to catch up on some sleep, or should I say I slept like 7 hours with some kicks and bathroom breaks in between..LOL I definitely feel rested and so happy we got to hang out with our friends that are visiting from upstate New York. I love my Sundays with my family and  church family! So overall I can't complain. I do have an update on my belly and the pup since my fall...Don't forget to subscribe ;)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hurt my belly :(

Got super hurt as I describe everything...:(

Restaurant review...gross!!!!

Last night my husband and I went out to dinner to this new English pub in Boca for dinner. I wasn't to thrilled with the food but husband did something he's never done before, he sent his plate of food back because it was so gross. He ordered Shepherds pie and it was literally a bowl of lard with mashed potatoes in the center. He was so disgusted I've never seen anything like it. It was a bit amusing to because he was trying to explain to the manager what was wrong with the dish and the only thing he could say was, "this is like a bowl of fat" LOL Anyways, I ordered a little salad and spinach dip which was descent but definitely not quite sure we will be going back there.

After dinner we got a chance to spend time with our friends from upstate new york that are on vacation right now. It was so great to catch up and have just some down time without the kids. Can't wait to meet up on Saturday for our BBQ pool Party! I am actually looking forward to it despite being MIA from planning and hosting things for a while.

Here's a video of Mila finally walking on the ice with out assistance, I'm so proud of her but still have lots to do to improve.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our Project - Office Build out!

Had a meeting with our team today, feel pretty confident that we chose the right people to help us through the unknown territory of building out an office. Do you know that great feeling you get when you know you are working with a great team?! I knew it right it away. We have a tight schedule and lots to do but I know things will be moving along just fine!

I am a little worried though because usually I'm the one on top of things as far as business goes but my brain has been failing me in this last trimester so I hope i don't fall apart completely because my hubby needs me. Also, slightly worried about how it will all play out since baby Lex will be joining the clan mid project so...I guess I'm going to try not to think about it but then again I will probably forget anyways...LOL

Let the work begin

Had a meeting with our team today, feel pretty confident that we chose the right people to help us through the unknown territory of building out an office. Do you know that great feeling you get when you know you are working with a great team?! I knew it right it away. We have a tight schedule and lots to do but I know things will be moving along just fine!

I am a little worried though because usually I'm the one on top of things as far as business goes but my brain has been failing me in this last trimester so I hope i don't fall apart completely because my hubby needs me. Also, slightly worried about how it will all play out since baby Lex will be joining the clan mid project so...I guess I'm going to try not to think about it but then again I will probably forget anyways...LOL

I will be posting a video shortly to this Channel about the sure to subscribe!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Feel like a horrible MOTHER/Wife

This weekend had its ups and downs! I'll start with the downs. I don't want to use this as an excuse for being short and snappy with my hubby and my daughter but I think it played a role in my lack of patience.

I had such extreme heart burn that it was unbearable. I couldn't sleep because of it, I couldn't think, or even eat! I kept forgetting things and I was just on edge! Sometimes I'd drink water and that would hurt soo badly too. Then, baby Lex would be moving around non stop so definitely lacking so much sleep!!

I feel kind of guilty for not being a great mom to Mila or being more appreciative of my husband. I know he's trying to make me happy but I just seemed to be super grouchy.
So Saturday was like the blow up day for me when I completely went crazy and started shouting because I got upset Pavel wanted to make a cake instead of putting Mila to sleep. I love putting her to sleep its our time to talk and read and bond...but with my horrible symptoms I just wanted peace and wanted him to take care of that night time routine. After my mini blow up and putting Mila to sleep myself I did apologize for my craziness but my hubby didn't want to be understanding(at that moment).

This morning we started out on a better note so I'm kind of glad we can move forward from that negative experience. At Church we actually made it on time and had a wonderful message about Jesus Rising from the dead. After that we spent time as a family at my mom's house where my sister planned an Easter Egg hunt for Mila! That was so nice because I completely forgot about hiding the Easter eggs.

When we came home we had a very mellow and relaxing evening. Pavel made home made Pizza and then we(as a family) got Mila ready for sleep. I gave Simba his first bath since his surgery. Overall we ended the weekend on a happy positive note.

Sometimes I want things to be perfect, sometimes I want everyone to play their roles, but in reality nothing is ever perfect. I have my moments, Pavel his and Mila hers. We can just learn to handle them the best we can, learn from them and acknowledge our faults because when we do that we truly make an effort to have a better relationship with one another and a stronger bond as a family.

 Here's a video of me working with MAC eye shadow. Please subscribe :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

TGIF - Time to start Hiring!

Last nigth we didn't get that much sleep. Mila was a bit cranky and seemed to be annoyed with her runny nose. Eventually she did pass out!

Even though I barely slept last night I think I'm holding up well. It's funny because every morning I get everyone's breakfast and lunch ready but since Mila had a day off from school Pavel was a little off getting ready for work. He was like Kristina get up I'm going to be late...LOL I'm like what does that have to do with me?? and went back to sleep.

I managed to call a few contractors and architects to set up appointments and to get quotes! This is so exciting I still feel like its surreal! I have the keys and just want to go over to the office one more time and savor the moment!!

We're getting ready to meet up with some friends for a playdate! Can't wait!!!

Check out my Youtube Channel and Subscribe :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Getting the KEYS!!!!!

This is so exciting!!! I've been dying to share this news with everyone and the time has finally come!!! We are signing the lease today for the space we have been negotiating for the last month! It's official! Going to pick up the keys!!!! It's so weird because I am more excited about this office than when we first bought our house! LOL

I know we have lots of work to do now but I honestly feel like the first scary, uncertain period is all done with. It's ours and we can start building it out just like we want!!

The only thing I'm a bit concerned about is all the decisions that need to be made during the process. I know couples bicker and argue over colors, design, how much to spend on the project, etc and with the baby I hope we can keep our cool!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Housewives of Atlanta?!? makes me sick!

While at The gym the real housewives of Atlanta was on and I couldn't help but be disgusted at what we see as quality entertainment! Who gave these morons a show? Oh wait is it us the viewers to blame??? These women have kids and yet they prance around with these slutty outfits and act like idiots. This is why kids these days are just getting worse, because of the parents! And people just want to watch this dumb non sense and wonder why their kids are out of control, turn off the TV and spend time with your kids instead!!

On a happier note, here's a glimpse of pavel and mila swimming in the ocean.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What a perfect beach day!!

We haven't gone to the beach in such a long time because Pavel has been working so much! The water is so warm and flat...we. are about to go swimming. Going to bare my pregnancy belly :)

30 Weeks!! 10 More!! getting closer!

I am so excited to be nearing the end of my pregnancy! Ten week seems like a lot but I am counting down!!

Heart Burn is at its worst, it's getting harder to sleep and the weight gain is, well still steadily increasing. I am super exhausted most of the time and just want to sit around. The one thing I do have to say I don't have yet is back pain! My back was killing me during my first pregnancy and I tried not to move to much because of that.

Baby Lex is moving around quite a bit and I am so please my best friends got to feel his little kicks! I truly feel like I have the best support system in the world at the moment! Despite my insecurities about my weight gain and how large I look my friends and family do an amazing job to uplift my spirits! XOXO
Here's my Video Blog/vlog on how I'm doing :) Don't forget to subscribe!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

My new favorite restaurant!!!


Friday night my sister came over to stay with us for the weekend and we decided to dine at Mimosa restaurant in Boca to try out their dinner menu since we were so pleased with their lunch!

Let me tell you that every dish that was brought out to was was amazing! My sister ordered Ribs, they were so juicy so tender and perfectly glazed! I ordered Roast duck! This was the best duck I've ever had in my life! It reminded me of my grandma's cooking but soo much better!!! Pavel got sword fish, and that was amazing also!!! I'm usually super skeptical about eating french food because each restaurant can be so different but this place is my new favorite place to eat at! Oh and let me say how amazing their desserts are! I got chocolate cake that was perfect!

I love this place!!!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Double Date Hunger Games Review

Last night my hubby and I went to see Hunger Games with our friends. I definitely was curious about the movie considering all the promotion and hype surrounding it.
I really enjoyed the whole movie. However, I wasn't pleased with the idea of children slaughtering children. I was balling my eyes out during the scenes where the sisters get separated, when the kids kill one another for supplies and when Katniss takes care off Rue as she died in her arms.

The plot of kids fighting it for survival is very interesting but it was a bit much for me, especially since I'm pregnant and have a 3 year old. The thought of losing your child to such horrible circumstances is unimaginable. 
I don't know if it's my background and solid relationship with my sister, but I can't imagine going through that! The sisterly love in the movie is so strong and it brought back memories of when I had to be super strong for my sister when she had tough challenges in her life.

Katniss character is so strong, so resilient and courageous! She has this sensitive side because of her relationship with her sister, yet she is this fighter ready to do what it takes to save herself and the ones she cares about. She's not a murderer like the other kids that were trained to kill. Her ability to care for others is what makes her character so appealing to me. When she's caring for Rue, you see how caring and loving she is.

The movie was really good! I cried, I was on the edge of my seat and I could not predict what was going on. I am definitely looking forward to the sequel!

Here's another video I made on doing your make up!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Understanding your newborn - great tool!

Dunston Baby Language - This DVD is very helpful in understanding your newborns cries. I used it with my daughter and just bought it again for my son! With my first pregnancy I literally bought enough stuff for my daughter, now that I know what works and what you really need I'm sharing these essential things through my vlogs.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cooking with Kristina *Stuffed Shells - Russian Style*

Stuffed Shells Russian Style

For the topping you will need

Olive oil - generously pour oil in a large pan and warm up on Medium heat
1 large onion finely chopped and add to oil
1 Package of Portabella mushrooms finely chopped - add to onions
1 Medium/large bag of carrots Shredded - add to pan
Add 2 table spoons of salt
Add 2 table spoons of garlic powder
and some pepper to taste.
I usually add salt as I go to make the flavor richer. So don't be afraid to taste as you go.
Cook over medium heat for about 30 minutes stirring through out that time.

The filling - Mix all ingredients together
1 large tub of Ricotta Cheese
1 Cup of Chopped parsley
2 table spoons of salt

1 box of Jumbo Shells - cook according to package
Stuff the shells with the filling, about one table spoon of ricotta filling per shell.
In a glass container put some olive oil on the bottom and line the stuffed shells( I used 2 glass containers for all the shells)

Add a table spoon of topping to the stuffed shells
Then sprinkle all your cheese
Place into the oven at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes until golden brown.


Crazy day - amazing dinner as a family

It feels like we havent been out to dinner as a family in the longest time. After a crazy, stressful day I am truly enjoying this amazing dinner with my loves!

Basically rushed Simba to the vet and will post a vlog about that later.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

29 weeks - Doctor visit

I am counting down the weeks like you wouldn't believe. It's so funny though because I've experienced labor before and how could I be counting down to that awful painful event. Who know's, all i want is baby in my arms, and start getting back in shape! Here's my vlog on the pregnancy and doctor visit.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My husband noticed the difference

So as you know from watching some of my beauty hauls I bought 2 new foundations this month. One was super expensive by Chanel and one from a drug store by Revlon. I wasn't sure which I liked better or which covered my imperfections the best so I decided to apply them side by side. The funny thing is I consulted my hubby on it and he saw the difference right away and decided to grab his micro lense camera to show you the difference. Here's what I look like:

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sad pooch

Today has been a really hard day for me, because I watched my little Simba stare into space. I bought the E collar for him so he won't bite the wound and he is so frightened of it. He sits in a corner for long periods of time staring into space. If I put him in his soft bed he gets out and stares out the window. I feel like such a horrible parent :( I hope he heals and gets back to feeling his happy playful self.

Also, this week Mila is off of school and this is pretty much my last solid week I will spend with her one on one before our family grows bigger. I've been irritated with how rough she's been treating the pooch and that i haven't been able to devote much attention to her, so its not off to a smooth start.

I'm hoping tomorrow Simba starts feeling a lot better and Mila and I have a good day bonding and doing lots of fun things! Oh Yeah, we are going to my prenatal visit so it will be nice for her to see her little brother!