Monday, March 12, 2012

Early start - packed lunch for my loves

Every morning my daughter is usually the first one up and bouncing around our bed! Since we had the time change I had a feeling she would be sleeping a little longer this morning.

I was the first one up and ready to get my day started. With a fresh cup of coffee in hand I started prepping lunch for my 2 loves! Sometimes I have limited options when it comes to the main course and today was one of them. I had to make something from scratch.
I buy a large bag of tilapia(fish) from either target, publix or walmart and have that on hand. I took 2 pieces of frozen tilapia and fried it in olive oil in a pan. I seasoned it with a little salt, black pepper and chives.
While that was cooking I boiled some water and added one cup of buckwheat to the water. A pinch of salt and   half of a table spoon of butter.

Once everything was finished I added the buckwheat to each thermos and then the fish on top. I don't like to make salads to pack but instead I pack fresh veggies. Both lunches included cherry tomatoes, cucumber and sliced orange peppers. For Mila though I also add some fresh fruit because I don't like her to eat crackers at school. I think having fresh fruit or veggies is so much healthier.


  1. Does the thermos really work for Mila? I've always wondered if the food stayed warm all the way until Lunch.

  2. Yep it does I put in food while its hot and by lunch time its luke warm! I pack my hubby's food in a thermos also.
