Sunday, March 4, 2012

Over heated but fun weekend non the less

Had a lovely weekend, to bad it flew by so fast! It started kind of rough because our AC was not working, actually it hasn't been working for a whole week!!! I have no idea how I tolerated that kind of abuse! Being pregnant means your body temp is higher than norm and then the house temp was like 82 degrees.

By Saturday I was one cranky irritable person. I have no idea how I would put up with my that. Anyways, a friend came the rescue to guide my hubby in fixing the problem! Soo thankful!!!!!!!! After I cooled off the house was at peace again! It's true what they say, "When Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"

We went to a Birthday party for one of Mila's little friends' at school. We met some of her other classmates and parents, which I have to say were very cool people. I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

To wrap up the weekend we spent time with friends at church. I love watching Mila go up on stage to say her verse! So stinking cute! Then we hung out with family! I am so thankful for all the wonderful people in my life!!!

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