Friday, March 2, 2012

Sleep deprivation = cranky me!

The last few nights I have not been getting enough sleep for a few reasons. I would attempt to go to sleep early(9pm) but my hubby and I would have really long conversations so we'd end up going to sleep after 11pm.

Then, my lovely daughter would grace us with her presence at 5am. I don't know why this whole week she's been coming into our bed so early but at that point no one is sleeping anymore.

Falling as asleep has become a huge problem. The baby is on the move..LOL. His kicks have become so much more intense that falling deep asleep is a thing of the past.

This morning was a rough start, I was cranky and irritable! My daughter had her some of her nails chip so being a good mommy I pull out the sensationail kit to do her manicure again and then we were late for school...I HATE BEING LATE! So I feel like today is going to be tough day unless I take a quick nap.
I usually don't take naps but it looks like one might happen with how drowsy I am!

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