Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Early start to June 12, 2012

Went to sleep around 10:30pm and got woken up by some serious pain around 2:40am. At first I thought it was just my bladder but after a quick bathroom break it was evident that a contraction was upon me. This was my first contraction but on a different level than the baby ones I've been having last week.

What do contractions feel like you may wonder. They can be different but for the most part it feels like a menstrual cramps. The contractions are so much stronger now because I can't sleep through it anymore. I'm also getting this  dull, aching pain in my lower back as baby's head presses against my spine. 

My mind is racing as I type this blog because I'm not sure this is the real thing yet and I'm still concerned about my cervix not opening up. Doc checked it yesterday morning and it was still closed. My water has not broken yet either. Oh boy here comes another one(time4:34am) trying to focus on my breathing!

So far the contractions have been between 8-10 min for the last 2 hours. I want this baby to come but now I'm flooded with emotion about my life changing. Why must I be so emotional..lol Thoughts of an epidural were also on my mind...will they mess it up this time too?? Will have shooting pain in my brain for a week after? Will I be able to get up after? Or will it be smooth sailing this time around? Will I have a good experience with this delivery? What if this is false alarm?? All these unknowns are annoying! Trying to put my faith in God. Here come another(time 4:44am)

My husband has been super supportive, giving me back rubs and reminding me to breathe. I feel bad because I know he needs rest and gave him some space. I need one of us focused, alert, level headed and I need him to truly be there for me when I can't take it anymore! 

Some how some way I fell asleep and this morning my contractions have spaced out again. Gosh for sure I thought I was in labor. When will this show get on the road?! Super tired!

I did manage to get my 40 pregnancy update video uploaded if you haven't seen it here it is:

1 comment:

  1. Hey doll, Audrey and I just watched your video here in the office (busy morning, can't you tell). I also subscribed. Don't forget to follow me too at http://michelinemaroni.wordpress.com.

    Loved your video, you are doing a great job with this blog! Given me some ideas as well.

    Keep me posted.
