Friday, June 15, 2012

We're Home, mini update

Here's a quick update while I try to find time to put all the footage together for "Labor Part 2" I hope to have that finished by tonight so stay tuned!

After delivery I was tired but still super energetic. Pavel on the other hand was Done. He had shut down. Although he has been an amazing coach and guide for me during labor he needed to rest, we all did.

Last night I urged the Doctors to dismiss us so we can go home. I really don't like hospitals and wanted to be with my family.

We got home around 8:30pm last night and I do have to say it was a bit stressful. My house was a mess, Mila was all over the place, the dog was super curious to find out what we brought home and super hyper. Since I really haven't slept since Tuesday night I was looking forward to getting some rest...yeah right! That did not happen and so Today I am running on Empty!

After delivery I had this amazing energy but now I just feel all beat up! I am going to find time to sleep while Lex sleeps and hopefully finish up my labor video tonight! Thanks for all your support and love! You have no idea how much it means to our Family! XOXO

Subscribe for all the latest videos, weightloss blog coming soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are all honme safe and sound :)
    (Funny, I was thinking of a weighloss entries on my blog too! Why not!
