Friday, June 29, 2012


Time is definitely flying by way too fast! Although I am tired and sleep deprived I've been trying to savor every moment with my son.

I can't even describe the love that I have for him! I was so worried I wouldn't love him as much as Mila but that is so silly to me now that I look into his deep blue eyes and my heart melts!

Now new worries are settling in, for example: I don't want my daughter feeling left out so I am trying harder to squeeze in mommy daughter time. Definitely not easy but trying to keep it a priority. Since I never had that bond with my mom I strive to have an amazing relationship with my daughter.

It's amazing how when I first had Mila I would be home with her all day and that would be my only focus. Now I have to focus on Mila, baby, dog, business transactions, house, and cooking. I have no idea how people with more than 2 kids get it done. I do have to say that I have an amazing helper with me this summer that's helping me stay sane by helping around the house. My sister is a true blessing to me. I don't know how I would manage with out her! She tidies up, plays with Mila and walks the pooch. I am truly grateful for her amazing help!

I never knew what it meant to have family help until now!

Anyways, here's our 2 week baby update! Enjoy! And Subscribe!!!

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