Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Weight Loss Sabotage from HUBBY!

Ok so I had a really good week as far as weight loss goes! Check out my video below to find out how much I lost! I do have to say I think my hubby is trying to sabotage my efforts though!

You guys know how much I love sweets so what does he do, bake cakes!!! That's right the man decides to  tempt me with his amazing cakes! Either he is trying to keep me plump or testing my will power! LOL Well my will power is not that strong so I do cave in but I'm practicing portion control! He does make one amazing Napoleon Russian Cake! Oh and the other day he offers me ice cream! Seriously this is not funny! I guess what doesn't kill me makes me stronger :)

In my video I share some of my weight loss rules I live by to help me shed the pounds and keep them off! Enjoy!

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