Monday, July 23, 2012

What a MORNING!! I need a BREAK!!

Thank goodness I work from home! Today has been super busy and I can't get a moment to sit down and relax.

I was hoping to squeeze in some time for the gym but everything kind of hit me all at once!

To start, all this new pile of paperwork that needs to be filled out for the office was sitting there waiting to get processed. Then a phone meeting with our architect, landlord, finance guy and then finalizing things with contractor! There some critical decissions that need to be made and I have no brain power to evaluate our options because I'm so sleep deprived! In between I am changing diapers, feeding Lex and trying to relay info to Pavel.

I have my sister helping out but it's still seems like to much to handle. I just want to get out of the house and clear my head, but I doubt that opportunity will come because that pile of paperwork is still waiting for me!

Here's my last weeks weigh in if you're curious to see how I'm doing as far as weight loss is concerned. If time permits I would like to post today's weigh in but we shall see!

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