Tuesday, April 3, 2012

30 Weeks!! 10 More!! getting closer!

I am so excited to be nearing the end of my pregnancy! Ten week seems like a lot but I am counting down!!

Heart Burn is at its worst, it's getting harder to sleep and the weight gain is, well still steadily increasing. I am super exhausted most of the time and just want to sit around. The one thing I do have to say I don't have yet is back pain! My back was killing me during my first pregnancy and I tried not to move to much because of that.

Baby Lex is moving around quite a bit and I am so please my best friends got to feel his little kicks! I truly feel like I have the best support system in the world at the moment! Despite my insecurities about my weight gain and how large I look my friends and family do an amazing job to uplift my spirits! XOXO
Here's my Video Blog/vlog on how I'm doing :) Don't forget to subscribe!!

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