Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Can you believe this! Injured my back!

Had a great start to my day today! Spent time with my little angel and found time to take care of business too! Towards the end of the day we got ready to go to Mila's skating lesson where she tried out her new skates!

She seemed to have been skating a lot better but kept falling on her butt a lot, or should I say her tail bone.  Which is like the worst way to fall. I felt to bad for her and was right there to comfort her with each fall. Her tears would start pouring and being a mother I just wanted to pick her up and comfort her, and did just that. The problem was on the second time she fell and I picked her up, my back completely gave out!!! It started hurting soo badly. What upsets me the most is the fact that I didn't fall on the ice or twist my back skating but just trying to comfort my daughter!!! Seriously!?!?..It brought back some major memories of my nonfunctional back after delivering Mila.

After Skating we had to rush to a meeting with our project coordinator and all i can say was my back got worse. I barely got out of my seat at the end to leave with out moaning in pain. Pavel tried giving me a massage to help relieve some of the pain but as I sit here writing this the pain is just constant! On top of that I had some more braxton hicks!

There are many decisions that need to be made as far as the office go and I am trying to give my hubby the best support that I can as far as not worrying about certain things and what not but It's super hard to support someone when I can barely support my whole body! I'm off to sleep now hoping and praying for some relief tomorrow! Goodnight!

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