Tuesday, April 17, 2012

First ticket EVER..:(

So my luck is not on my side these days. Got my first speeding ticket EVER! This pregnancy brain is really to blame. Usually I'm so alert on the road and know exactly whats going on but today after lunch with hubby i was mellow and spaced out. The cop pulled me over and asked why I was going so fast and since my quick way with words has vanished since baby brain I just said I was spaced out....I mean c'mon how did this happen!?! The one time I needed to be smart, clever with words and all I had to say was that?! I could have said I had to pee really badly but that only crossed my mind when I got home...gosh so irritated! What a waste of money man! The state trooper did say he wants me to live a long healthy life to see my grandkids...so nice of him as he handed me the obscene ticket!
Anyways, on a positive note I went to the OBGYN today and the baby is doing just fine! Braxton hicks are normal as long as its not few every hour or so. My cervix is still closed shut so we are all good! 

Here's a little update VIA youtube ;) Please subscribe ;)

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