Friday, April 6, 2012

TGIF - Time to start Hiring!

Last nigth we didn't get that much sleep. Mila was a bit cranky and seemed to be annoyed with her runny nose. Eventually she did pass out!

Even though I barely slept last night I think I'm holding up well. It's funny because every morning I get everyone's breakfast and lunch ready but since Mila had a day off from school Pavel was a little off getting ready for work. He was like Kristina get up I'm going to be late...LOL I'm like what does that have to do with me?? and went back to sleep.

I managed to call a few contractors and architects to set up appointments and to get quotes! This is so exciting I still feel like its surreal! I have the keys and just want to go over to the office one more time and savor the moment!!

We're getting ready to meet up with some friends for a playdate! Can't wait!!!

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