Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pulled Mila out of School

After Spring camp was over, Mila went back to her school routine, I noticed a huge change in her attitude towards that school. She wasn't as enthusiastic as before. She didn't look forward to going or seeing her favorite teachers. Remember how when I first signed her up and was having separation anxiety and looking for any reason to pull her out!? Well at this moment my child was telling me she didn't like it there yet I wasn't doing anything.

I probed her to try to figure out why all of the sudden she didn't like it. Everyday I would ask her if she had fun at school and she was kind of indifferent. She would say "mommy can I stay home with you and paint projects at home" hearing her say that broke my heart! How could I not let her!? This is just what I wanted, to spend time with this amazing little girl!

I still wanted to understand why she was not happy though so I had my husband ask her about school and why she didn't like going anymore. She told him she didn't have fun there. These answers where not what we were looking for so we left the conversation and just observed her after each day of school.

I really don't like to start something and not finish and plus for some reason I felt like people would judge me if I took her out. But at the same time why did I care what they thought? Some parents let their kids eat crappy food, watch crappy television, play video games, stay up late etc. She's not in a school system yet, this is more of a day care so who cares!!!

After having a long conversation with my husband we reached a decision to pull her out. I was soo happy when we both agreed! My time is ticking! The baby will be here in about 8 weeks and this is the only time I will have to spend with her before our whole family dynamic changes again! I don't need anyone to understand my decision but I am just so thankful she is home with me once again, even if its just a little while because once baby arrives she will start summer camp and a new school in the fall.

I feel so sad again as though I'm going to go through this separation again, but what if I don't? What if I'm so into the new baby, I miss all the important things with Mila as she continues to grow!? All these questions are so overwhelming and so scary as I try to savor each moment with her.

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