Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Let the work begin

Had a meeting with our team today, feel pretty confident that we chose the right people to help us through the unknown territory of building out an office. Do you know that great feeling you get when you know you are working with a great team?! I knew it right it away. We have a tight schedule and lots to do but I know things will be moving along just fine!

I am a little worried though because usually I'm the one on top of things as far as business goes but my brain has been failing me in this last trimester so I hope i don't fall apart completely because my hubby needs me. Also, slightly worried about how it will all play out since baby Lex will be joining the clan mid project so...I guess I'm going to try not to think about it but then again I will probably forget anyways...LOL

I will be posting a video shortly to this Channel about the office...be sure to subscribe!

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