Sunday, April 8, 2012

Feel like a horrible MOTHER/Wife

This weekend had its ups and downs! I'll start with the downs. I don't want to use this as an excuse for being short and snappy with my hubby and my daughter but I think it played a role in my lack of patience.

I had such extreme heart burn that it was unbearable. I couldn't sleep because of it, I couldn't think, or even eat! I kept forgetting things and I was just on edge! Sometimes I'd drink water and that would hurt soo badly too. Then, baby Lex would be moving around non stop so definitely lacking so much sleep!!

I feel kind of guilty for not being a great mom to Mila or being more appreciative of my husband. I know he's trying to make me happy but I just seemed to be super grouchy.
So Saturday was like the blow up day for me when I completely went crazy and started shouting because I got upset Pavel wanted to make a cake instead of putting Mila to sleep. I love putting her to sleep its our time to talk and read and bond...but with my horrible symptoms I just wanted peace and wanted him to take care of that night time routine. After my mini blow up and putting Mila to sleep myself I did apologize for my craziness but my hubby didn't want to be understanding(at that moment).

This morning we started out on a better note so I'm kind of glad we can move forward from that negative experience. At Church we actually made it on time and had a wonderful message about Jesus Rising from the dead. After that we spent time as a family at my mom's house where my sister planned an Easter Egg hunt for Mila! That was so nice because I completely forgot about hiding the Easter eggs.

When we came home we had a very mellow and relaxing evening. Pavel made home made Pizza and then we(as a family) got Mila ready for sleep. I gave Simba his first bath since his surgery. Overall we ended the weekend on a happy positive note.

Sometimes I want things to be perfect, sometimes I want everyone to play their roles, but in reality nothing is ever perfect. I have my moments, Pavel his and Mila hers. We can just learn to handle them the best we can, learn from them and acknowledge our faults because when we do that we truly make an effort to have a better relationship with one another and a stronger bond as a family.

 Here's a video of me working with MAC eye shadow. Please subscribe :)

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