Sunday, May 27, 2012

Perfect weekend!

What a fabulous long weekend! We've been totally living it up since baby can literally drop any day now! I can honestly say I'm having the best weekend before baby!

To sum up:

Spent half a day shopping with my best friend for clothes and make up! Yes I know its weird I shopped for clothes because I'm not going to stay this size for very much longer but it was still fun! Then went to dinner with some of Pavel's co-workers to one of my favorite Restaurants YOLO. I love meeting new people but lately I haven't been in the mood to do so because I'm so worked up over office, baby and tons of things to get done before baby. I sucked it up and went, why not its good food and who knows how life will be after newborn.

Also, I was surprised to find out an old friend and his wife moved literally like 5 min from us! I made sure we all met up and since I had a babysitter we all went to my other favorite restaurant Mimosa! Can I just tell you how much food I ate this weekend! I think I gained like 5 lbs just from 2 days...LOL

Something I haven't done in a while was be spontaneous, after dinner we all decided to go to movies to see "What to expect when you're expecting" It was so wonderful to wing the plans and go with the flow. It's been a while since we lived like this.  I knew I had to see this film before I popped. So glad I did but it kind of scared me a bit as it was a reminder of what I had to go through to get this baby out. Overall the movie was great!

Sunday morning came, this means church but we decided to sleep in. For those of you who don't have kids sleeping in means, you wake up at 9am..LOL My sister made sure we got that extra 2 hours of sleep and then we hustled to the beach! What an amazing day and perfect weather!

Most people have a day off tomorrow but my hubby has to work. I'm slightly upset over it but I also have tons of errands and decisions to make on his behalf so I guess it's all good.

Here's my latest video! Let me you know what you think of this red lipstick I found! Enjoy! XOXO

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