Saturday, May 19, 2012

In-laws ups downs, & good times!

As you may know, we had our in-laws visiting us from upstate New York! People don't always get along and since I'm pregnant I knew this trip would speed up my labor. Haven't given birth yet but definitely noticed a lot more contractions this week.

The last night with my in-laws was pretty interesting, Pavel and I wanted to do something special for them since it was in fact their vacation. We decided to take them to Tatiana's Restaurant and Cabaret Show. This place is quite pricey but we thought it was definitely worth experiencing. There was some hesitation from them, which makes me wonder why is it that when new experiences are being offered to the older generation they are scared and super negative? Is that with every culture? Why such retaliation when the kids are treating you? Did they forget how to have fun? Are they stuck in a box and can't see beyond it? I mean you're on vacation shouldn't you at least experience something new? With tons of Drama building up to the dinner and show we finally made it and surprisingly everyone had a good time. Although Pavel and I tried to get the in-laws on the dance floor at least one dance we failed. Funny thing is Pavel and I enjoyed a few songs even though there was a baby between us, we felt proud to loosen up and still be young and adventurous. And trust me it being this size and still trying to dance with a huge smile on my face made me even more confident. The night ended very well, everyone was happy with the food, show, music and entertainment!

As I look back at this week there were ups and downs but somehow we got through it with out too many arguments. We all tried to be on our best behavior.  Now they've taken off, I thought I'd have a moment to breathe but this morning Mila had her lessons and then I had to navigate the tree service people to rip out our gorgeous bushes and shrubs to make way for the fence. In a couple of hours I will be taking Simba to his classes. It's a never ending cycle. Which makes me worry, how in the world will I manage it all once Lex is born?! Trying not to think of the unknown and staying focused on what needs to be done at the moment.  :)

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