Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Who's there for you when you feel like falling down?

As I near and embrace the arrival of my son, my emotions are all over the place. It feels so wonderful knowing who will be there with me through thick and thin and who has barely checked in! I do have to say that there are certain people who are truly there for you when you're having a wonderful day and there for you when you're falling apart. And with this loving nature they will guide you back to those happy days! I consider myself to be one of those people(when I'm not pregnant), who will always be there for those close to me but lately I can barely be there for myself. That compassion is truly needed and is appreciated. I was heavily relying on certain people to help me cope. Either with watching Mila, to cleaning to having someone to talk. The reality is during those difficult times you see who abandons you and who hangs on.

It's so funny because when I was pregnant with Mila I didn't want anyone's help. I was the tough guy who wanted to do it all! How come I've become more dependant on people this time to help me out? Is it because I have a kid already? Is it because we're building an office? Is it because life is handing us a lot more responsibility? Regardless of which I definitely feel and know in my heart I can't manage everything on my own.

I do have a cranky side and I do have a loving side and lately its been more irritable than loving because of all the lovely symptoms of pregnancy(braxton hicks, memory loss, heart burn, exhaustion, weight gain etc). Sometimes I Just want to run away from myself, run away from how I feel. But that's not the reality! Reality is everything difficult in life brings something better! I want to thank everyone who has given me support and reached out to me and who's helped me along the way. Truly looking forward to holding my little baby and slowly crawling back to feeling normal again! I know for a fact that I can count on myself and that God is always there for me!

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