Thursday, May 3, 2012

She didn't want to get off the ICE! WHAT?!

Can you believe this week is almost over?!? I feel like I blink and a week goes by! I guess its a good thing because before you know it I will be holding my little baby in my arms! Although its getting super scary thinking about what is about to happen to me. Everyone I meet who's had 2 kids I always ask how the 2nd one went. Was it fast? Was it easier?? The answers that I'm getting are not consistent with what I hope happens but I think it helps me cope with the reality. I just wish I was my old self, strong, resilient, and fearless! Unfortunately I am the opposite of that!

Today we had skating lessons and Mila is just impressing me with each day! Today she didn't want to get off the ice! I skated with her for a bit and even did some foot work! I know I should be taking it easy but skating soothes my nerves and I couldn't resist. But anyways, back to Mila....holy cow she is so eager to skate! She observes everyone on the ice practicing and wants to do the same. If someone falls she is eager to help them up. She even came up to her coach and asked if she could have private lessons so she could get better. I was impressed! I'm not in a hurry to spend money on private lessons but hey her enthusiasm is encouraging! Mila even told me to register her for more lessons in June! LOVE Her attitude!

Here's another tutorial on my sister! Better techniques that are super easy!

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