Thursday, May 31, 2012

Time is running out!

Had a rough morning yesterday! Hubby tried to feed me vitamins on an empty stomach and it all came up!  Luckily I was able to turn my day around and find the energy to work out run errands, take care of house projects, schedule more meetings etc.

Today has been pretty much the same. Gym, target, home depot and just wrapped up mulching our 9 palm trees....all the neighbors driving by looking at me like I was crazy lugging around these massive bags of mulch! LOL I hope all this movement helps me get this baby here on time.

Here's my to do list, from what I can remember:

Pay the hospital
pack hospital bag
install car seat
pay bills
hire contractor
Clean, cook, organize...blah

Here's how i've been able to stay calm the last few Finally got my Naked 2 from sephora along with some other things! Check it out :)

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