Wednesday, February 1, 2012

21 weeks

21 weeks
Pregnancy is not always fun. For some women its a breeze. I am not one of these women. With my first pregnancy I gained soo much weight because of hormone fluctuations and cold weather. Now that I'm pregnant with my 2nd baby and in a completely different climate and scared of gaining soo much weight again, I'm fighting to slow down the weight gain. I love feeling small and light and now that I'm 17 pounds into the game, I am feeling the pain! I honestly dont know how heavy people live with so much extra weight. Everything is sooo much harder to do and getting dressed is no fun at all. Don't get me wrong i am in LOVE with food but I love myself more. Every woman can relate to weight struggles many men too considering the western diet and lack of discipline but if you want to have a long, healthy, energetic life you have to fight for it. Even though I'm in a set back with my pregnancy I strive to make the best food choices daily, continue to work out, and set an example to my 3 year old daughter.

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