Saturday, February 4, 2012

Reflecting on 8 Years of Marriage

Wow time has flown!!! Today is a big milestone! It brings me back to how it all began and how madly in love we were the first few years. Although there is a deeper, much more profound love now, I am so blessed to have found my partner for life who loves me for who I am and vice versa.

I'm not going to lie Marriage is not an easy road. I admire couples who have been married longer and understand what longevity really means. If you want success in your life you have to truly work for it. There is no such thing as an easy marriage. No one is perfect and as you spend more time together you learn about each other's flaws and that's where that deep love comes from is learning to respect and love them no matter what.

In today's society we're taught to constantly change cars, phones, clothes, and partners. I admit to most of these myself but I always try to protect my marriage and my relationship with my husband. I do have moments of weakness where I just want to beat the crap out of but I've learned/learning to keep my cool. There were moments where I just wanted to abandon our marriage, run away and not look back. And in the heat of the moment it would make sense but once a rational me takes over I realize I'm not going to flush everything we've worked for down the toilet.

We are individuals that are growing in our own way and still learning to work together as a team. We're expanding and with that comes more challenges and tests of our endurance. I've once read that marriage is marathon not a race. We keep building on the foundation that we've laid many years ago. We have a beautiful daughter and a son on the way! I am so proud of our accomplishments as a family! I encourage everyone to look at their life and invest into people you love no matter how difficult it might get sometimes, because in the long run they are the only ones who will be there for you!

Can't wait to celebrate our union tonight, no presents, no flowers, and no cards. That stuff is not important. What matters most is a conversation, a dance, a kiss...another moment we can cherish forever!


  1. This is great, Kristina. You are being honest with yourself and you readers. This isn't always easy. Plus, your lesson is meaningful.

    1. Thanks Micheline, I really enjoy reflecting on my life. Sometimes its hard or unpleasant but hey it makes me who I am today :)
