Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Experience with Amway and applying it to our Business

 For anyone who is not familiar with this name its a company that was created over 52 years ago as a direct selling business. People would join and go door to door selling back in the day. It's quite a different company these days especially now that there is internet and the company offers a lot more not just soap.

So last year a close friend decided to show us "The Plan" I being of journalistic background was very skeptical and just wanted to be nice and hear him out and save the questions and research for later. Although most of the info was in Russian...all I remember was that he said we can get a refund...LOL I'm the queen of getting refunds and discounts! So to wrap things up I just wanted to get him out and since he assured we could get a refund my hubby and I signed up.

For some reason my spouse saw something that I didn't and kept raving about it. Anyways as time went by I didn't want to do anything but figured hey if this lets me do a little shopping why not...make up, skin care, vitamins, cleaning products and jewelry was what I got no complaints. I did my research tried the stuff and liked being around positive business driven people. My husband was ok with me shopping so I did.

Things got really interesting when my hubby wanted to show plans to our friends. That's when my comfort zone was challenged. "What will they think of us??" was circulating in my mind. So I let him know I want nothing to do with it, but watching him struggle with inviting people made me so sad because I'm soo good at communication and setting up events! And guess who took over!? LOL. Same thing happened when he tried to share the info with people. So, I started doing stand up presentations to our friends. Did I ever tell you how much I love doing presentations. For some reason I would get a high in college knowing I had to do a stand up presentation in front of 300 people. It's such an amazing experience. But I did not feel comfortable sitting down with people one on one. I know my strengths and it felt good to do something that I enjoyed.

This went on for a year. It was great to see the support from our friends as we decided to explore this business.  This company gave me the foundation and the support to share info and teach people about products that I still use today even though I don't do much of exposing the business anymore. I made some money doing it and know its not a scam. If anyone ever asks me for recommendation for products I always give my opinion and refer them to my favorite skin brand Artistry. Do I make money off it? Not anymore but I do enjoy this product!

I didn't really appreciate that experience until my husband and I started moving forward in our own business venture. Starting our business was already costing us thousands of dollars. We hired professional help to get the right advice, and guidance that we needed. Which was so funny because people who judged Amway always complained how expensive it was and how it's a scam but it made me realize how those people are not capable of starting a business and have no idea what the REAL cost of starting a business is. People who can start any business can take risk, can take rejection, can take the good with the bad. I am super grateful for that experience because I am soo much stronger and thick skinned as we move forward into our practice!

Every experience that comes your way is meant to teach you and build you for something greater. You just have to open your mind and let those experiences in.

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