Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My daughter was brought to tears at school

So today I pick up my daughter from school and there is a note from her teacher saying that my daughter bumped her head on the plastic cot during nap time. When I asked my darling about it she seemed to have a hard time explaining it but said she wasn't listening to the teacher. After a few attempts to getting her to tell me what happened she told me the teacher pushed her and she bumped her head on the cot and started crying. My heart almost stopped. Did this teacher intentionally hurt my child? Was my daughter confused about what happened? I was always searching for a reason to yank her out of school but now that she's on schedule do I teach her to flee this problem. My hubby and I went to the director to talk about what she told us. The director said she will talk to the teacher and we will have a conference together in the morning.

Can I tell you how stressed out I am with all this!? Has anyone experienced something similar with their child and day care and how did you handle the situation?!

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