Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fueling your mind and body!

I’m curious how many people strive to read something on a daily basis. Not something off the internet but a book, a magazine, news paper?  I know after I finished college finding time to read was so challenging yet I was always craving that time to myself. It’s so important to constantly fill your mind with information or a new way of thinking. You constantly have to go out of your way to fuel up your mind otherwise you start to get rusty.

I think that when you stop pouring knowledge or challenge your own belief system you start to live in a box. Maybe I’m wrong but I know that happens to me sometimes. When I’m idle for a while and don’t make an effort to read a book my thinking becomes very limited.

Same applies to eating, do you know when sometimes you want to eat something and the first thing in sight is a bag of chips or a candy bar. It’s easily available but when you chow it down you really don’t feel your best. To feel your best you constantly have to make an effort to get better food or plan ahead. I’ve made this mistake so many times but I remind myself the value of doing things the right way and try again to improve.


  1. Does reading your blog count? :o)

    1. I haven't thought about it but hey If it makes you feel great reading it, sure!
