Saturday, February 4, 2012

SNOBBY RICH WOMEN...Can't Stand them!

There was this one experience that I will never forget of a selfish rich woman that I came across my path that's worthy of mentioning.

This past summer we made a trip to Miami Seaquarium. My daughter was so excited, she just wanted to be everywhere at once. You know how there are always certain shows that are scheduled through out the day. We had already seen a few.

Our last stop was the Flipper show. We got there early, got great seats. My hubby and I always talk in English and can quickly spot Russian people. So these two Russian women sit next to us and put their 2 kids I would assume ages 4 or 5 in front of us. As the stadium got filled up more kids were sitting next to these 2 Russian Children. A few moments later I see this woman walking up the steps with a massive branded bag, giant sunglasses, massive rock on her hand and branded clothing. You can tell by the way she walked that she expected the world to bow down to her. I think its hysterical because underneath all that materialistic stuff is an insecure little person.

Anyways she starts walking in the row in front of us where the 2 Russian children are sitting. As she flips her hair as though she's all that and swings her shoulder, her massive bag flew into the little boy sitting right in front of me and almost hit his head on the concrete floor. The Russian woman sitting on the right of me jumps from her seat to try to help her son and pushed the bag out of his face. The Snobby Rich woman started screaming at the Russian woman for Touching her. I could tell the Russian woman had a hard time verbalizing that the her son just got hit with a massive bag and could have been worse. But the Snob could care less about the kid. She sat in the row in front of us next to a little girl and started hugging her and shouting down the row to someone saying how she almost got knocked down. She just kept going on and on about how this woman pushed her. At that point I've had enough of this idiot. Quick with my words and a stern voice I said " EXCUSE ME you almost knocked the life out of this poor little kid, and all you care about is YOU and YOUR Bag??? What kind of an example are you showing your daughter?"

This Lady looked as though someone just punched her in the face, I guess no one has ever stood up to her before. The second Russian woman quickly ran out of the row. The Snob started yelling down the row to a FAT male guy about how RUDE I was to her. My hubby jumped in and started backing me up as well. Then this guy starts yelling at us. I'm like " This is non of your business she almost killed a kid with her bag and doesn't even acknowledge it or even apologized for it." The guy keeps rambling saying he saw the whole thing even though he's like 20 feet away. I started laughing at him and went back to the SNOB. "you need to say sorry to this kid immediately" she pretended not to hear me.  At that point the 2nd Russian woman returned with a security guard that has instructed her to LEAVE immediately!

I had a similar incident in upstate New York while grocery shopping with my love bug. I was at the seafood section of the grocery store getting a few different types of fish. It wa about 10AM. The guy behind the counter was really friendly and started telling me where the fish has come from and how good it is for you.

A Snob who fits the profile of the woman above rushes in and starts tapping her foot. I look at her with a friendly smile and she has the nerve to give me a dirty look. I told the guy you know what why don't you help her I'm not in a rush. But what got me was this woman continued to be rude even though I had given her my turn. She didn't say thank you she gave me another dirty look. I understand I am a bit younger than you but you DO NOT rule the world. Of course I couldn't hold it in and said " Excuse me that was really rude of you" So then she proceeded to say how rude I was to have a conversation with the fish guy when she is in a RUSH....I almost burst out laughing. I told her if she was in a rush she should have planned her schedule a little better, allowing enough time to get HER fish. I love how these SNOBs react when someone stands up to them...She grabbed her fish and screamed  "B****" at me as she ran off and my come back was, "That's all you got??" The fish guy was like...can you believe this.??..and I'm like yeah but I'm glad I just gave her a piece of reality! She is no one and needs to stop acting like she rules the world.

I hope with both these experiences my darling learns to help the less fortunate and stand up for herself. It is never OK to let people mistreat you no matter how much money or power they have. 

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