Sunday, February 19, 2012

Magic Kingdom...not so Magic!

Ever since I was a kid I’ve always heard great things about Disney’s Magic Kingdom.  My family couldn’t afford to take us.  I just knew that one day I would experience the “Magic” everyone was talking about.
First time we went was in last year in December, I did not have a good experience because I was so nauseated and there were wayyy to many people. I figured maybe we came at a bad time.

We decided to go up this weekend to the Magic kingdom to try to finish exploring the whole park. Once again we there were soo many people. C’mon this if February when does it quiet down!? It took like 55 minutes just to enter the park. Slightly annoyed I tried to stay calm. My hubby is like I’m surprised there is no violence anywhere with these massive lines..LOL

Once inside there was barely any room to walk around. Everyone was going in different directions. Tons of strollers passing each other with passed out kids high on sugar and junk food. The wait to see the fairy princess’s was like 50 minutes long and it got worse from there. Almost all the rides had a wait time of 70 minutes or more, we were shocked! So obviously we couldn’t stay in lines that long for one primary reason our daughter who is only 3 would not enjoy the wait. Surprisingly my 3 year old behaved very well.

We walked around, did some basic simple things like ride the train and spent money on food that was way overpriced! Soon it was time for the main st. parade. We got our spots and sat as the characters made their way down. It was funny to see how many kids didn’t even care for them and many were just sleeping. I also noticed how ALL the adults were taking pictures of them as though they were celebrities in their eyes. I thought to myself “are these people insane!?” LOL.. Their kids had no interest and they were drooling over the Cinderella, Belle, Ariel, Aladin, etc.

After 6 hours at the park and overheated I could barely walk. I suggested we start heading back to our hotel and enjoy the pool. No one protested so we made our way to the monorail. It took like 45 minutes for us to just get to the car.

A friend from Europe made fun of people at Disney saying how lazy people are having their 4 and 5 years olds in strollers. But honestly I wish I had a stroller for me! LOL The Park is enormous and maybe having this extra 25 lbs on me wasn’t helping the situation. I felt irritable, hot and cluster phobic. This was not enjoyable to me!  How could people want to do this so often and how in the world do so many people handle this in the summer???

I told my hubby that we should only bring our kids there when they are a lot older and maybe try to go to the park just the two of us to tolerate the waits and the mass crowds. 

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