Thursday, February 2, 2012


As we move through our life we meet all types of people and it is our choice how much attention we allocate to each relationship. Obviously if you care about someone you have a desire to be with them, spend time with them, share your thoughts ideas, life etc. Both parties should have a mutual desire to want to invest into that relationship. Some relationships bring out the best in us and some just weigh us down.

As I've grown in my personal life by making mistakes in all sort of relationships I have learned to appreciate the ones closest to me and how to say "No Thank you" to the toxic people who don't have my best interests at heart, and the most interesting thing I've observed was that sometimes these toxic people don't even have their own best interests at heart.

It's not always easy to distance yourself from people that you don't feel are an asset to your life, but distancing yourself is something you have to learn to do for your own good. My favorite saying is, You are who you spend your time with. So strive to be around people who support you, who inspire you, who help you during those bleak times in your life and watch you life blossom.

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