Thursday, February 23, 2012

Getting criticized, NO FUN!

You know how getting criticized or critiqued by a boss is not always enjoyable. A boss might be very careful not to hurt your feelings and try to be as professional as possible. I've had plenty of those in the work force. It never feels good but you have a chance to go home and get away from the stress. The worst type of criticism though is by your significant other. There are no boundaries as to how you talk to one another and therefore someone gets hurt!

Even though you're trying to work together and have a common goal or at least you think you do, when one starts dumping their thoughts and ideas on the other is no fun! We both have very different personalities, he's calm and mellow and I would consider myself a bull dog when it comes to business so when we have a difference of opinion of how something should have been said or handled things get pretty ugly, FAST!

The horrible thing is you have to see each other even after hours which makes it even worse. I totally understand why spouses shouldn't work together!

I sort of wish I could pack him up and send him away to to his favorite destination, upstate New York..LOL! Just saying I need some room to breathe.

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