Thursday, February 9, 2012

Plastic surgery = Cat women everywhere!!!

Plastic surgery is on the rise! More medical students are choosing to specialize in plastic surgery because of good money! But when I see how many women are turning into cats....LOL I start to wonder who is to blame?? And why in the world would they get plastic surgery seeing what COULD HAPPEN to them??Are these doctors not skilled enough to play art with your face or are the women to obsessed with perfection?I see these feline faces all over Boca and on reality shows.

A new doctor with little experience can give you a discount on the price but can mess up your face. Are these women looking to save money or is one surgery not enough for them? Who knows, all I can say is its kind of scary looking.

Not long ago I was checking out at the grocery store when I noticed a cat woman in front of me making a payment for her purchases. She was wearing a sports bra and yoga pants. I would guess she was somewhere in her 50s. You can tell she had lots of liposuction on her stomach, a boob job, and more than enough nips, tucks and fillers on her face. I noticed how people around her were staring at her especially the cashier and the bag lady.  The cat lady walked on and the cashier and the bag lady mumbled something to one another and chuckled.

These older women are trying so hard to reverse the signs of aging and hoping to stay youthful. But all I can see is an immature selfish person who should be spending time with their grand kids instead of focusing on appearances!

Is advertising to blame for this nonsense?? Why can’t we accept what God gave us and not be tempted to do such horrible procedures when there are more important things in life? I thought as people age they get wiser but based on this behavior what kind of example are they setting for the younger generation? 

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