Monday, February 6, 2012

Good School horrible lunch

When I interviewed Mila's school I got a chance to see the little kids getting ready for lunch. I noticed that in each classroom about 50 percent brought home lunch and the other 50 had "School lunch" that was ordered from a fast food restaurant. Those who ate fast food, had 4 nuggets on their plate and a fruit cup. The other children brought sandwiches, rice, veggies etc. It made me wonder why parents pay soooo much money for their children to be in the best school but not care about what their kids put in their mouths. They spend a lot of money of their fancy cars they drive their kids in but not in the quality of food?? This does not make any sense to me!!! Are they really lazy or just don't know that nuggets are bad for you?? Don't they realize that fast food causes obesity and lots of other illnesses?

I have been very careful as to the types of foods I expose my daughter to because I don't ever want her to be confused about food choices as I was as a kid. I strive to give her the best nutrition possible. Her teachers always say how well she eats and that they've never seen anything like it. I hope she sets an example for other kids if their parents are not taking that responsibility close to heart. And I hope this post will really help parents step up their game in providing better food choices for their kids. It's not easy doing the right thing but it's totally worth it for your offspring!

This is what I packed my daughter for lunch today:

Basmati Rice with wild Tilapia
Chopped Red Peppers
Sliced Cucumbers
Sliced Peaches


  1. Yeah it's horrible that this goes on. But the most important thing is for us as parents to prepare our babies for the world and not blame others. We are their role models for everything. Its funny how many parents I see making excuses for feeding their kids garbage. That's why I love surrounding myself with like minded people.

    1. It's funny, you posted this on the same day I fed my kids lentils & brown rice for lunch & with a big smile my oldest told me, "This is my favorite food!"

  2. That's fantastic Jess! It's amazing how we can impact our children just by putting in a little effort!
