Friday, February 10, 2012

Your Daughter can read!!

I walked my daughter into class this morning and her teacher comes up to me and asks "When did you teach your daughter to read?" I told her that I started her on the Your Baby Can Read program at around 4 months. She starts telling me that the other teachers noticed her reading things around the classroom and she decided to give my darling a little test. The teacher said she read this poem for her and she was blown away. I gave my love bug a big hug and kiss for her accomplishment! A very proud moment for me :)

Investing quality time into your kids pays off!
Your Baby Can Read is an amazing tool! Going to buy it for our worth spent x2!


  1. I totally agree, although unfortunately i did not dedicate as much time using the additional tools like the flash cards and the oldest, 3 and 5 mo. is able to read a bunch of words after simply watching the program (age started 11 mo).

  2. As long as you see some sort of progress that's all that matters :) Also, it is never to late to continue to expose them to new words. I find it a lot more difficult to spend time with my daughter now even though we completed the program. I aim to sit down with her at least twice a week and show her some new words she might have not seen. I can't imagine how much more challenging it will be once the baby arrives:-/
